Honda EB6500 Generator Power Up! Reliability & Durability Review


Looking for a reliable and powerful generator to meet your industrial needs? Look no further! The Honda EB6500 is an ideal choice, loaded with advanced features and backed by the trusted name of Honda.

This portable open frame generator boasts a 389 cc Honda iGX390 OHV 4-stroke engine, offering both durability and performance in one package.

In this review, we’ll dive into its incredible capabilities, highlighting the key features that make it stand out among competitors.

Honda Eb6500 Review Image

Key Takeaways

  • The Honda EB6500 is an industrial – strength portable generator with advanced features that make it stand out from competitors.
  • Key features include iAVR technology for stable power supply, a powerful Honda iGX390 commercial grade engine, 120/240V selector switch for versatile power options, GFCI protection on all outlets, and a durable wheel kit frame with foldable handles for portability.
  • With a maximum output of 6,500 watts and rated output of 5,500 watts, the Honda EB6500 offers reliable performance and impressive run time of up to 10.4 hours at 50% load.
  • The rugged one-piece welded frame with never-go-flat wheels and compact dimensions make the Honda EB6500 highly portable and easy to transport between job sites or use during emergencies.

Honda 663600 EB6500 120V/240V 6500-Watt 389cc Portable Industrial Generator with Co-Minder

as of 04/17/2024 5:29 am

Honda EB6500: Overview And Key Features

Looking for a reliable and powerful industrial generator that can withstand long hours of use and harsh working conditions? Look no further than the Honda EB6500X! This versatile portable generator is powered by a robust iGX390 commercial-grade engine, delivering up to 6,500 watts of power output. With features such as iAVR technology, GFCI protection, and a durable wheel kit frame with foldable handles, the EB6500X is designed to handle any job site or emergency power need with ease. In this review, we’ll take a closer look at the key features and performance of this impressive generator. Keep reading to find out why the EB6500X should be on your radar for your next purchase!

IAVR (Intelligent Automatic Voltage Regulator) Technology

As a potential customer, one of the most impressive features of the Honda EB6500 generator is its iAVR (Intelligent Automatic Voltage Regulator) technology. This advanced feature sets it apart from many other generators on the market today.

You might be wondering why stable power supply matters so much. Well, imagine you’re at a construction site with heavy-duty equipment or running sensitive electronics at an outdoor event; sudden voltage drops could lead to serious damage and costly downtime.

With iAVR in place, your Honda EB6500 generator can maintain consistent power output even during periods of high demand, giving you peace of mind knowing that both your industrial-strength tools and delicate devices are protected from unexpected surges or dips in electricity levels.

Powerful Honda IGX390 Commercial Grade Engine

One of the standout features in the Honda EB6500 generator is its powerful iGX390 commercial grade engine. This 389 cc Honda OHV 4-stroke engine is designed for incredible durability, reliability, and fuel efficiency in demanding industrial applications.

The iGX390 engine boasts advanced engineering that allows it to run efficiently even under heavy load conditions. For example, if you’re using multiple power tools or operating larger equipment on a job site, the robust performance of this engine will ensure an uninterrupted supply of electricity at all times.

Not only does this contribute to increased productivity and convenience, but it also helps keep your energy costs down over time.

Honda Igx390 Engine

120/240V Selector Switch

As a proud owner of the Honda EB6500 generator, I must say that one of my favorite features is the 120/240V selector switch. This switch allows me to choose between two different voltage levels depending on my specific needs.

Now let’s say I need to power something more demanding, like an electric water heater or central air conditioner unit. In this case, flipping the selector switch to 240V provides enough energy for these larger appliances without overloading circuits or causing potential damage.

GFCI (Ground Fault Circuit Protection) On All Outlets

The Honda EB6500X generator features a full GFCI control panel with six AC outlets, including two duplexes of 120V 20A (5-20R), 120V 30A (L5-30R) receptacle, and 120/240V 30A (L14-30R) receptacle.

The GFCI protection is designed to prevent electrical shock by automatically tripping the circuit when a fault is detected. This feature offers added safety and protection for users and equipment, reducing the risk of electrical shocks and damage to appliances.

It’s particularly important for industrial and construction sites where electrical hazards are common. With the GFCI protection on all outlets, you can have peace of mind knowing that your power supply is safe and secure from potential faults or surges, making it suitable for heavy-duty applications on any job site or outdoor event.

Durable Wheel Kit Frame And Foldable Handles

One of the standout features of the Honda EB6500X is its durable wheel kit frame and foldable handles. As a portable generator, it’s important to have a design that makes it easy to move around, whether you’re bringing it to a job site or using it for camping trips.

The one-piece welded frame gives added stability, while the Never-Go-Flat wheel type ensures that your generator won’t get stuck on uneven terrain.

Additionally, the foldable handles make storage more convenient when not in use.

Performance And Power Output

The Honda EB6500X offers a maximum output of 6,500 watts and rated output of 5,500 watts, with an impressive run time of up to 10.4 hours at 50% load thanks to its powerful Honda iGX390 commercial grade engine.

6,500 Watts Maximum Output

The Honda EB6500X is a powerful portable generator with a maximum output of 6,500 watts. That means it can easily power multiple large appliances or tools simultaneously during power outages or construction projects.

For instance, you can run an air conditioner, refrigerator, and several lights all at the same time without any problem. Plus, this machine has a rated wattage of 5,500 watts and features iAVR technology to provide stable electricity that won’t damage your devices.

5,500 Watts Rated Output

As a Possible Customer, one of the most important things to consider when purchasing a generator is its rated output, and the Honda EB6500X does not disappoint. With a rated output of 5,500 watts, this generator has enough power to handle most essential household appliances during an unexpected power outage.

Furthermore, the Honda EB6500X features Intelligent Automatic Voltage Regulator (iAVR) technology that ensures consistent power delivery even during heavy loads or voltage fluctuations.

This feature protects your valuable electronics from any potential damage caused by sudden surges or drops in voltage.

10.4 Hours Of Run Time At 50% Load

One of the standout features of the Honda EB6500 generator is its impressive run time. At a 50% load, this industrial-strength portable generator can operate for up to 10.4 hours on a single tank of gasoline.

Whether you’re relying on the Honda EB6500 for backup power during an emergency or using it as a primary power source at remote job sites, this long run time provides peace of mind that your electricity needs will be met consistently and reliably.

Portability And Design

The Honda EB6500X has a rugged one-piece welded frame, durable never-go-flat wheels, and foldable handles for easy movement and storage.

Rugged One-piece Welded Frame

The rugged one-piece welded frame on the Honda EB6500X generator is built to last and can withstand harsh job site conditions. It provides a sturdy base for the generator and makes it easy to move around with its wheel kit and folding handle.

The lift hook on top of the frame also adds extra convenience when loading or unloading it from a truck or trailer. This design ensures that your investment in this industrial strength generator will be protected for years to come, making it a reliable option for power needs both big and small.

Never-Go-Flat Wheel Type

One of the standout features of the Honda EB6500X is its “Never-Go-Flat” wheel type. This design ensures that the generator’s wheels will never go flat, meaning you won’t have to worry about maintaining or replacing them over time.

As someone who values rugged durability in their portable generators, this feature is a real lifesaver.

Another benefit of the Never-Go-Flat wheel type is that it allows for easier storage and transportation. Because you don’t have to worry about deflating your tires before putting your generator away, you can simply roll it into a corner or store it in your shed without fussing with equipment maintenance tasks.

The compact dimensions and folding handles also make this model an excellent choice if space is at a premium on your job site or in your garage at home.

Compact Dimensions And Weight

The Honda EB6500X is designed to be portable and easy to move, thanks to its compact dimensions and weight.

This high-end industrial generator also features durable wheels that never go flat, as well as foldable handles that make it easier for users to lift and maneuver the device over uneven terrain or up onto trucks for transportation between jobsites.

Honda 663600 EB6500 120V/240V 6500-Watt 389cc Portable Industrial Generator with Co-Minder

as of 04/17/2024 5:29 am

Ease Of Use And Maintenance

The Honda EB6500X features an Oil Alert system for easy maintenance, while the i-Monitor LCD readout allows for performance monitoring and diagnostics.

Oil Alert System

I love that the Honda EB6500 generator boasts an Oil Alert system, which is a fantastic feature for both ease of use and maintenance. This automatic feature shuts off the engine when oil levels run lowpreventing damage to the engine by stopping it before it runs out of oil entirely.

I don’t have to worry about constantly monitoring oil levels or risk damaging my generator by running it without enough oil – this system does all the work for me! It’s just one example of how Honda has put careful thought into making their generators user-friendly and efficient.

The Oil Alert system is particularly important because it helps extend the lifespan of my generator, saving me money in repairs down the line. I appreciate how Honda makes sure that their products are built to last by including features such as overload protection (circuit breaker) and OIL ALERT®.

I-Monitor LCD Readout For Performance Monitoring And Diagnostics

For me, one of the standout features of the Honda EB6500 generator is its i-Monitor LCD readout for performance monitoring and diagnostics.

This handy feature makes it incredibly easy to track the generator’s fuel consumption and run time, as well as providing important information about any diagnostic issues that may arise.

In addition to being a powerful industrial-grade portable generator with a reliable 389cc Honda iGX390 engine, having an i-Monitor LCD readout adds an extra layer of convenience and ease-of-use that I really appreciate.

Whether you’re using this generator for work or play, being able to quickly monitor its performance in real-time will give you peace of mind knowing that everything is functioning properly.

Recoil Starter Type

Starting up the Honda EB6500X is a breeze thanks to its recoil starter mechanism. This means that you simply pull on a cord to start the engine, without needing an external power source or battery.

The generator comes with clear instructions and guidance on how to operate the recoil starter effectively and safely. In fact, for those who have used portable generators before, this type of starting mechanism will be very familiar and easy to handle.

Noise Level And Environmental Impact

The Honda EB6500X generator has a noise rating of 72 decibels, making it relatively quiet for industrial-grade equipment.

Noise Rating (dBA)

As someone who values peace and quiet, I understand the importance of noise level in industrial strength equipment. As such, it’s worth noting that the Honda EB6500X generator has a noise rating (dBA) of 64 – which is relatively low for a generator of this size and power output.

But more than just keeping things quiet, the low noise level also speaks to the quality of the Honda EB6500X’s design and construction. The generator is built with sound-dampening materials that help reduce vibration and keep everything running smoothly, while its rugged one-piece welded frame ensures long-lasting durability even in tough industrial settings.

Portable Generator Noise Levels
Decibel Chart

CARB Compliance And Emissions

It’s important to note that the Honda EB6500X is not CARB compliant, which means it cannot be purchased or sold in California. CARB stands for the California Air Resources Board and their regulations are more stringent than federal emission standards.

However, despite not being CARB compliant, the generator is still EPA approved and meets ANSI/PGMA G300-2018 safety and performance requirements. Additionally, Honda has a solid reputation for producing reliable and environmentally conscious machines.

Warranty And Customer Support

The Honda EB6500X comes with a 3-year warranty and access to Honda’s top-notch customer support, ensuring your generator will always be running at its best.

3-year Warranty

One of the best things about the Honda EB6500X generator is that it comes with a 3-year warranty. This means that you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that your investment is protected against any defects in materials or workmanship for up to three years after purchase.

In case any issues arise, the authorized Honda Power Equipment dealer will perform warranty repairs. It’s important to note that normal wear and tear or damage caused by misuse or neglect are not covered under this warranty.

Additionally, Honda offers customer support through its authorized dealer network, which can provide service and repairs as well as answer any questions or concerns you may have about the generator.

Honda’s Customer Support Options

As a Possible Customer, it’s important to know that Honda offers a variety of customer support options for their Honda EB6500X generator. Here are some of the ways you can get help and support from Honda:

  1. Phone Support: You can contact Honda’s customer service hotline at 1-888-888-3139 for any questions or concerns about your generator.
  2. Online Resources: Honda also provides helpful online resources, including an owner’s manual, FAQs, and instructional videos to assist you in operating and maintaining your generator.
  3. Service Centers: If you need repairs or maintenance on your generator, Honda has a vast network of authorized service centers across the country where you can take your generator to be serviced by trained technicians.
  4. Warranty Coverage: The Honda EB6500X comes with a 3-year warranty that covers defects in materials and workmanship. If you experience any issues with your generator during this period, contact Honda’s customer service team for assistance with warranty claims.

By offering multiple channels for support and assistance, as well as backing their product with a comprehensive warranty, Honda demonstrates their commitment to providing quality customer service to their customers.

Comparing The Honda EB6500 To Other Generators

When compared to other generators in its class, the Honda EB6500 stands out for its industrial-grade power output, iAVR technology, GFCI protection on all outlets, and durable design.

Price Comparison

When it comes to investing in a high-quality generator, it’s essential to compare prices to ensure you’re getting the best value for your money. Here’s a table comparing the Honda EB6500 to some other popular generators in the 5000-6000W range:

Generator ModelPriceStarting WattageRunning Wattage
Honda EB6500$2,7996,500 watts5,500 watts
Generac GP6500$8998,125 watts6,500 watts
Westinghouse WGen6000$7497,500 watts6,000 watts
Champion 100519$1,0996,250 watts5,000 watts
Duromax XP5500EH$5995,500 watts4,500 watts

As you can see, the Honda EB6500 is on the higher end of the price range compared to its competitors. However, it’s essential to consider the advanced featuresreliability, and long-lasting performance that the Honda brand offers, which can justify the higher investment.

Feature Comparison

As we delve deeper into the world of generators, it’s essential to compare the features of the Honda EB6500 with other popular models on the market. This comparison will provide you with a better understanding of the value offered by the Honda EB6500 and help you make an informed decision.

FeatureHonda EB6500Competitor ACompetitor B
Rated Wattage5,500 W5,000 W5,700 W
Starting Wattage6,500 W6,250 W7,000 W
EngineHonda iGX390Generic BrandGeneric Brand
Fuel Capacity6.2 gallons5.0 gallons8.0 gallons
Run Time at 50% Load9.8 hours8 hours11 hours
Starting MechanismRecoilRecoilRecoil
GFCI Outlets6 AC outlets4 AC outlets5 AC outlets
RV ConnectionYes (with adaptor)NoYes
Warranty3 years2 years3 years

As you can see, the Honda EB6500 offers a higher rated wattage and starting wattage, as well as a more powerful and reliable Honda engine compared to Competitor A. The run time at 50% load is longer, and it has more GFCI outlets, making it a more versatile option. Although Competitor B has a slightly higher starting wattage and a larger fuel tank, the Honda EB6500 still boasts a reliable engine, as well as a 3-year warranty, ensuring you get the most from your investment.

Pros And Cons Of The Honda EB6500

Now, let’s talk about the pros and cons of the Honda EB6500 for Possible Customer to consider before purchasing:


  1. The powerful Honda iGX390 commercial grade engine provides reliable and efficient performance.
  2. The 120/240V selector switch allows for flexibility in use with a variety of appliances and equipment.
  3. GFCI (Ground Fault Circuit Protection) on all outlets helps ensure safe operation.
  4. The rugged one-piece welded frame with a never-flat wheel kit and foldable handles make it easy to move around the job site or home.
  5. The iAVR technology provides stable power output for sensitive electronics and appliances.
  6. The oil alert system helps prevent engine damage due to low oil levels by automatically shutting off the engine.
  7. The i – Monitor LCD readout provides performance monitoring and diagnostics for easy maintenance and troubleshooting.
  8. With a rated output of 5,500 watts and 10.4 hours of run time at 50% load, this generator is capable of handling a variety of power needs.
  9. Honda offers a 3 – year warranty on their power equipment, giving customers peace of mind.


  1. At 215.8 pounds, this generator is quite heavy compared to some other portable options on the market.
  2. It produces noise up to 73 decibels (dBA), which may not be ideal for certain residential areas or noise-sensitive jobsites.
  3. While transfer switch ready, it is not RV ready out-of-the-box, so additional adapters may be needed for recreational vehicle use.
  4. With THD (<10%), the power quality may not be as clean as some other generators in its class.
  5. The generator is EPA approved but not CARB – compliant, so it cannot be purchased or sold in California.

That’s it! Hopefully, this list has provided Possible Customer with valuable information when considering whether or not to purchase the Honda EB6500.

Honda 663600 EB6500 120V/240V 6500-Watt 389cc Portable Industrial Generator with Co-Minder

as of 04/17/2024 5:29 am


In conclusion, the Honda EB6500X is a powerful and reliable industrial-grade portable generator that provides optimal performance and power output. With its intelligent features such as iAVR technology and Oil Alert system, this generator is easy to use and maintain while providing excellent fuel efficiency.

Its sturdy design with foldable handles and never-flat wheels make it highly portable, making it perfect for outdoor or on-the-job use. While it may be pricier than some other models in its category, the Honda EB6500X delivers impressive quality and durability, backed by Honda’s renowned warranty and customer support.

What are the main features of the Honda EB6500 generator?

The Honda EB6500 is an industrial-strength generator that offers a powerful 6,500-watt output and can provide up to 10 hours of continuous operation on a full tank of fuel. It also comes equipped with automatic voltage regulation, low oil shutdown, and an easy-to-use control panel.

Is the Honda EB6500 generator easy to maintain?

Yes, the Honda EB6500 requires very little maintenance thanks to its durable construction and advanced engineering features. It has an advanced air-cleaning system that reduces dust intake by up to 90%, making it ideal for use in dusty or dirty environments.

Can the Honda EB6500 generator be used for residential purposes?

While primarily designed for commercial or industrial applications, the Honda EB6500 is also suitable for home backup power in emergency situations such as power outages caused by severe weather conditions.

How does the price of the Honda EB6500 compare to other industrial generators on the market?

Although it may be more expensive than some entry-level models, when compared against other high-end commercial-grade generators available today – The cost of purchasing this well-engineered machine from a reliable brand like Honda is often justified over time when considering dependability & longevity factors… both critical factors within these niche markets where downtime could equate significant losses financially & operationally speaking; this model comes highly recommended due its superior performance under challenging operating conditions encountered across industries (e.g., construction sites).

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Skyler is an outdoor adventurist and avid RV-Fan. He loves to explore the world and all its beauty, but he's just as happy relaxing at home with his family. His favorite pastime is taking weekend trips in his RV with his wife and kids, where they can get away from it all and enjoy nature. He’s also a self-proclaimed expert on all things portable generators and can often be found reviewing the latest models on our website.

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